Rachna wants to be a computer engineer

Dear Carys, Akiko, and John,

Rachna is a 11 year old from the village of  Bachikhera in Uttar Pradesh, India. Her father, Premshankar, is a  farmer and her mother is a house wife. She has one sister and two brothers.

Rachna studies in Grade 6 at the school run by Pardada Pardadi. Her favorite class is English and she likes learning vocational work also.  After she finishes school, Rachna would like to become a computer engineer.

Coming from the kind of background that she does, Rachna, suffers from many social and economic handicaps. Thanks to your donations, Akiko and John (x11) Rachna will have a computer lesson and a class on spoken English once a week for an entire year. She will also go through personality development workshops, which will ensure that she can hold her own among better educated girls.

Rachna is thankful to you, Carys, for donating a set of two school uniforms, winter clothes and footwear to her. She loves school, but being able to wear her pretty green and white clothes is an added incentive for her to go to school.

Thank you Akiko, John and Carys, for helping Rachna hold onto her dreams of becoming an engineer.

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Pravesh can now cycle to school everyday

Dear Carys and Amit,

Fourteen year old Pravesh lives in the village of Netanager in Uttar Pradesh. Her father, Shreram, is a farmer, and her mother, Omvati, is a housewife. Both her parents are literate. She has three sisters and a brother, and the family lives in a single room house which has water, but no electricity or dedicated sanitation facilities. Her family owns two goats which they use for getting milk for consumption and sale.

Parvesh is a bright student and is currently studying in grade 8 at the school run by Pardada Pardadi Educational Society. Her favourite subject is Hindi, and after graduating from high school, she hopes to get a good job which will will make her economically independent. In her spare time, Parvesh loves playing cricket.

Your gift of a bicycle, Amit, will ensure that Parvesh does not face any trouble in getting to school. Many girls in rural India are forced to drop out of school, because it is not safe for girls to walk long distances, and they cannot always find someone to accompany them. Having her own bicycle will mean that Parvesh is not dependent on anyone and can pedal to school safely.

Your donation of a set of two school uniforms, including winter clothes and footwear, is much appreciated by Pravesh and her family. She promises to keep her new clothes neat and clean, and bring credit to them by doing well in class.

Thank you so much, Amit and Carys, for ensuring that Parvesh continues to get an education.

Give this gift » Gift mobility to a girl. Give her a bicycle for $58, and enable her to go to school!

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Sabila can overcome her handicaps

Dear Carys and John,

Eleven year old Sabila is from the village of  Sunai in Uttar Pradesh, India. Her father, Chote Khan, is a  farmer and her mother is a house wife. She has three sisters and three brothers. Sabila studies in Grade 6 at the school run by Pardada Pardadi. Her favorite subject is English. After she finishes school, Sabila wants to become a computer engineer.

Coming from the kind of background that she does, Sabila battles against several social and economic handicaps. Thanks to your donation, John, Sabila will have a computer lesson and a class on spoken English once a week for an entire year. She will also go through personality development workshops, which will ensure that she can hold her own among better educated girls.

Your donation of a set of two school uniforms, including winter clothes and footwear is much appreciated by Sabila and her family. She doesn’t have too many clothes to wear, and actually treats her school uniform as her “best set” of clothes.

Thank you, John and Carys, for your generosity.


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Anshu wants to become a teacher

Dear Carys, Subash, KOWSILLIYA, Erik, George, Luke and Ani, Michael, James, Gillian, Lowry, and Amit,

Anshu is a student of Grade 9. Her father, Tajver, is a bus driver, while her mother, Kamlesh, is a housewife. She has one sister and one brother. Both their parents are literate. They live in a two-room house. The total earnings of the family place them well below poverty line.

Education would never have been a priority for the family, but now that she is enrolled in school, the family realizes the value of the education that Anshu is getting through Pardada Pardadi.

Anshu is sincere and nurtures dreams about her future. She is keen to study higher and become a teacher when she grows up. Her favorite subject is English. Anshu also loves playing games such as Kho-Kho and enjoys watching movies.

Thank you, Subash, KOWSILLIYA, Erik (x2), George, Luke and Ani, Michael, James (x2), Gillian, Lowry, and Amit, for your donation of year of tuition. Your generosity will ensure that Anshu is able to attend school for a full year.

Thank you too, Carys, for donating two sets of school uniforms, winter clothes and footwear to Anshu. She wears her new clothes with pride.



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Ranjiita aspires to become a computer engineer

Dear Carys and James,

Ranjiita* hails from the village of Shajahanpur. Her father, Ram Prakash, is a farmer, and her mother, Saroj Devi, is a housewife. Ranjita has four sisters and three brothers.

Ranjita is studying at the school run by Pardada Pardadi in Anoopshahr. She is a sincere student who aspires to become a computer engineer upon graduating from school.

The school provides a scholarship for girls to receive bicycles. This scholarship is given to only those girls who are dedicated to school and who live too far away to walk. Since Ranjita has a bicycle, she is able to come to school more often, and it is safer for her also. Walking home in the dark is very unsafe and which is also the main reason why many parents pull their daughters out of school. The bicycle ensures safety for these girls and Ranjita now only has to ride 30 minutes instead of the hour or an hour and a half that it might take to walk!

Ranjita is thankful to you, Carys, for your gift of a set of two school uniforms, winter clothes and footwear. She is a girl who likes to look neat and presentable all the time, and she wears her new clothes with pride.

Thank you so much, James and Carys for supporting Ranjita!

*Name changed to protect identity

Give this gift » Gift mobility to a girl. Give her a bicycle for $58, and enable her to go to school!

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Shilpa aspires to become a computer teacher

Dear Carys and Ryan,

Shilpa* hails from the village of Bachi Khera. Her father, Vijendra , is a farmer, and her mother, Laxmi, is a housewife. Shilpa has four sisters and one brother. Shilpa studies at the school run by Pardada Pardadi in Anoopshahr. She is a sincere student. Her favorite subject is computer science and she aspires to become a computer teacher upon graduating from school.

The school provides a scholarship for girls to receive bicycles. This scholarship is given to only those girls who are dedicated to school and who live too far away to walk. Your donation, Ryan enabled the school to gift a bicycle to Shilpa. Now that she has her own bicycle, she is able to come to school more often because her parents are no longer scared to send her to school. Further, she now only has to ride 30 minutes instead of having to spend more than 90 minutes walking to school and back.

Carys, Shilpa is grateful for your donation of a set of two school uniforms, winter clothes and footwear. In the cold winter months, she dons the sweater gifted by you 24 hours a day.

Thank you Ryan and Carys for supporting Shilpa in chasing her dreams.

*Name changed to protect identity

Give this gift » Gift mobility to a girl. Give her a bicycle for $58, and enable her to go to school!

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Renu can rise above circumstances

Dear Carys, John, and Amit,

Eleven year old Renu studies in Grade 6 at the school run by Pardada Pardadi. Her father, Prakash Singh, is a  farmer and her mother is a house wife. She has five sisters and two brothers. The family is from the village of  Aahar in Uttar Pradesh, India.

Renu is  an attentive student in class, well-behaved and responsive. After Renu finishes school, Renu wants to become a computer engineer.

Coming from the kind of background that she does, Renu battles against several social and economic handicaps. Thanks to your donations, John (x11) and Amit, Renu will have a computer lesson and a class on spoken English once a week for an entire year. She will also go through personality development workshops, which will ensure that she can hold her own among better educated girls.

Thank you too, Carys, for donating a set of two school uniforms, winter clothes and footwear to Renu. She treats them with the respect they deserve and wears them with pride.

Thank you John, Amit and Carys, for helping Renu rise above the circumstances of her birth.

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Asmi wants to become a doctor

Dear Carys, Amit, Tammy, Carroll, Stacy, Nikhil, Ivo, Pradeep, Matt & Alison, Max, Rick and Beth, and Kelly,

Asmi* studies in Grade 8 at the school run by Pardada Pardadi. Her father, Suleman, is a  farmer and her mother, Munni Devi, is a house wife. She has three sisters and two brothers. Asmi is  an attentive student in class, well-behaved and responsive. After Asmi finishes school, she wants to become a doctor.

Asmi is thankful to your gift of a set of two school uniforms, winter clothes and footware, Carys. She wears her uniform with pride, and knows that as long as she is in her uniform nothing can come between her and her ambitions.

Coming from the kind of background that she does, Asmi battles against several social and economic handicaps. Thanks to your donations, Amit, Tammy, Carroll (x2), Stacy, Nikhil, Ivo, Pradeep, Matt & Alison, Max, Rick and Beth, and Kellyr, Asmi will have a computer lesson and a class on spoken English once a week for an entire year. She will also go through personality development workshops, which will ensure that she can hold her own among better educated girls.

Thank you, for helping Asmi work towards achieving her dreams of becoming a doctor.

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Aashita can enjoy economic freedom

Dear Rick and Michael,

Sixteen year old Aashita*, a student of  Grade 11, lives in Karanpur. Her father, Khubchand, is a shopkeeper and her mother, Babmla, is a housewife. She has one sister and four brothers. When she grows up, Aashita wants to become a teacher. She loves studying and is enthusiastic about learning.

Pardada Pardadi gives girls like Aashita the ability to learn vocational skills, so that they can grow up to be economically independent by either opening a shop or do some tailoring on the side. Along with this, the school also offers these girls a job after graduation that will put their vocational skills to good use.

This will give her income to spend on her family, and more importantly, provide her with greater decision-making power than woman usually have, in her village. With the money that Aashita can earn, she can help her family out financially by buying livestock or poultry that will provide them an additional income or by buying food and other necessities for the house.

Your generous donations, Rick and Michael (x5) will ensure that Aashita has a marketable skill to fall back on!

Thank you, Rick and Michael, for your generosity.

*Name changed to protect identity

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Kaveri aspires to become a police officer

Dear Andrea,

Kaveri hails from the village of Malakpur. Her father, Ram Ratan, is a farmer, and her mother, Savita Devi, is a housewife. Kaveri has six sisters and one brother.

Kaveri studies at the school run by Pardada Pardadi in Anoopshahr. She is a sincere student who aspires to become a police officer upon graduating from school.

The school provides a scholarship for girls to receive bicycles. This scholarship is given to only those girls who are dedicated to school and who live too far away to walk. Since Kaveri has a bicycle, she is able to come to school more often, and it is safer for her also. Walking home in the dark is very unsafe and which is also the main reason why many parents pull their daughters out of school. The bicycle ensures safety for these girls and Kaveri now only has to ride 30 minutes instead of the hour or an hour and a half that it might take to walk!

Thank you so much, Andrea, for supporting Kaveri in your donation of a bicycle because this will ensure her safety coming to and from school!




Give this gift » Gift mobility to a girl. Give her a bicycle for $58, and enable her to go to school!

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